
Developmental Games You Can Play with Your Baby

As your baby grows in their first few months, they become more wakeful and interested in the world around them. According to Jan Blaxall, professor of early childhood education at Fanshawe College in London, “Babies need a variety of experiences, and the key ingredient in their play is one-on-one attention from you.”

In your baby’s first year of life, they will experience many physical, mental, social, and emotional changes before their first birthday arrives. Not only are they more interested in the world around them, they will soon be crawling, cruising, or walking around. Playing and connecting with your baby gets their brain development going. Love, attention, time, and touch with your baby are also important parts of developmental activities.

Developmental Games for Your Baby

Playing games with them is proven to be helpful in their brain development. Not every baby will catch on to all games you try to play with them. There is no need to freak out when this happens, however, if you have concerns about possible developmental delay, consult your baby’s doctor right away. Listed below are some games you can do with your baby.

From Birth to 3 months

Since your baby is mostly lying down for most of the time or being carried when they are nursed, you can engage with them by maximizing their sense: touch, sight, smell, and hearing.

  • Let’s look at stuff

For their early days, most of your playtime will be spent showing your baby stuff. Any object that won’t hurt them can be turned into a game. You can keep a little stash of objects beside you while sitting with your baby.

  •  Dance, dance revolution

Putting on some music and dancing with your child is never a bad idea. Especially in the afternoons where they can get a little grumpier, dancing will work to lift up both your moods. Silly and exaggerated movements of your hands or shaking your butts are particularly funny to babies. You can also swing them in the air or bump them up or down, just make sure that the neck is well supported and avoid shaking the baby.

4 to 6 months

They are likely to be more physical, learning to roll over and sit up, and can now grip, hold, and mouth objects. Do fun games that are more interactive with them like knee rides or tickle games.

  •  Bubbles, bubbles everywhere

At this point, your baby can now see far enough. Bubbles has a magical effect in babies. You can play with it anytime of the day, especially when they are bored or cranky. Bubbles are also cheap and can be carried easily.

  •  Tummy time

it is important to get your baby to spend time on his/her tummy. Lay your baby down on a clean towel or cloth and use it to gently roll her from side to side.

  • Fly, Baby, Fly

At this time, your baby can now lift up his/her head up. You can now make role plays like flying them into the air like an airplane or a superhero.

7 to 9 months

Your baby is now becoming an expert at sitting and crawling at this age. Encourage physical feats with clapping and cheering for every milestone they make.

  • Obstacle course

if your baby enjoys crawling, scooting, or walking, he/she may also enjoy moving over things. Make use of pillows, laundry, or your body as obstacles. This is also a good exercise for the development of their motor skills.

  •  Peek-a-boo

Peek-a-boo is a classic game that babies love to play. Cover your face with your hand or hide behind a corner, then jump out and yell “Boo!”

10 to 12 months

Standing up, pulling up, and climbing are what they love to do at this age.

  • Rearrange and re-rearrange

At this time, they are trying to figure out connections between objects surrounding them. They will love to stack and arrange objects, as well as fill and empty them.

  • Top THAT Kid

Babies love to imitate. Play with different facial expressions, hand gestures, or noises and let them follow you.

  • The Endless Cruise

Once your baby is up on their feet, you can place their favorite toy at the far end of the couch or over a table to encourage cruising.

  • Bath is Fun

Older babies love to stand up, splash, grab your hair, pat the shower curtains while on their bath. Encourage the fun by adding lots of toys they can play with on the tub.Their first year of life is a crucial part of a person’s life. The development that happens during this time can affect them for the rest of their lives. If you are seeing a delayed response or development with or baby, or anything that can make you worry, contact your child’s doctor immediately. For more inquiries about child development, you can contact an online doctor Ontario. They are also open for appointments and online consultations. Your child’s overall health and development is important, make sure to regularly ask your doctor about their progress and growth.