It takes a lifetime of care in order to achieve healthy teeth. Even when people compliment you with how nice your teeth look, it is crucial to take the right steps every day to task care of them and prevent problems. This involves being mindful of your daily habits, as well as getting the right oral health products.

Good oral hygiene is necessary to keep gums and teeth healthy. It involves habits such as brushing your teeth twice a day and having regular dental checkups. However, oral health risk is more than just cavities and gum disease. Research has shown that the health of a person’s mouth is associated with their overall health. Experts consider oral health problems as a global health burden.

If not treated, tooth decay and gum problems can lead to pain, problems with self-confidence, and tooth loss. These can also lead to malnutrition, speech problems, and other challenges in a person’s school, work, or personal life.

Best practices for healthy teeth

People can prevent teeth and gum problems with proper dental care, both at home and in the dentist’s office. Listed below are 7 best practices that can keep teeth and gums healthy.

1.       Brush regularly but not aggressively

We all know that brushing the teeth twice a day is one of the most important practices for removing bacteria and plaque and keeping the teeth clean.  However, it may only be effective if people use the correct technique.

People should brush their teeth using small circular motions, taking care to brush the top, front, and back of every tooth.  This process can take between 2 to 3 minutes. Sawing in a back-and-forth motion should be avoided.

Using a hard-bristled toothbrush and brushing too hard can damage the tooth enamel and the gums.

2.       Floss once a day

Flossing can remove bacteria and plaque from between the teeth that a toothbrush is unable to reach. Flossing can also help prevent bad breath by removing debris and food that has been trapped between the teeth.

Most dental professionals recommend to gently push the floss all the way down to the gumline before hugging the sides of the tooth with an up-and-down motion.

3.       Use fluoride

Fluoride is from an element in the earth’s soil called fluorine. Experts believe that fluorine helps prevent cavities, and is a common ingredient in mouthwash and toothpaste.

A lack of fluoride can lead to tooth decay, even if a person regularly takes care of their teeth. According to a recent study, brushing and flossing do not prevent a person from getting cavities if they do not use fluoride.

4.       See a dentist regularly

It is recommended to see a dentist every 6 months for checkup. During a routine dental examination, the teeth will be cleaned by a hygienist and remove your plaque and hardened tartar.

During a regular checkup,

The dentist will check for visual signs of cavities, mouth cancer, gum disease, and other oral health issues. In some cases, dental x-rays may sometimes be performed to check for cavities. 

5.       Consider using a mouthwash

There are studies that state that certain mouthwashes can benefit oral health. In one example, one review found that mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, an antibacterial ingredient, helps control gingivitis and plaque. According to a meta-analysis, mouthwashes with certain essential oils are also effective.

Using mouthwashes can help with bad breath and dental problems, but they cannot substitute brushing and flossing. They can only compliment these practices.

6.       Do not smoke

Since smoking harms the body’s immune system, it makes it difficult for the body to heal tissues, including those in our mouth. Smoking is also named as a risk factor for gum disease. While those who smoke may experience slow healing after a dental procedure. It can also affect the appearance of the mouth, leading to yellowing of the teeth and tongue, and can give you a bad breath.

7.       Limit sugary foods and drinks

Sugar consumption can lead to cavities. There are numerous studies that highlight the significant role that sugar plays in adverse health outcomes. Common culprits include desserts and candy, but many processed foods also contain added sugar.

It is recommended that people limit their sugar intake to below 10 percent of their daily calories.

Experts also states that starchy foods, such as bread, chips, crackers, and pasta can cause tooth decay. These foods linger in the mouth and break down into simple sugars that acid-producing bacteria feed on to. The acid that these bacteria produce can cause tooth decay.

Good substitutes of these starchy foods are food that are rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products without added sugar. Good dental health requires practicing good dental care from infancy to adulthood. Brushing, flossing, eating healthy, and having regular dental checkups can help you achieve healthy teeth and gums. If you are experiencing any gum or tooth problems, consult your doctor immediately. For online consultations about your teeth and your overall health, you can go to online doctor BC.